Your car needs to be serviced regularly in order to run smoothly. In the same way, it is important to maintain your PC. This realisation will hit you hardest when your PC’s poor performance affects production or when it crashes completely.

Some of the signs that your PC may need maintenance work done is if it slows down or freezes, or when files and programmes are slow to open up.

FunctionEight are firm advocates of avoiding downtime. Have the issues seen to rather than wait until that agonised call to your IT technician has to be made.The costs of not doing so can be enormous – production time lost, business opportunities sacrificed and credibility tarnished.

If you have a small business of under five people with no in-house servers to run and maintain, FunctionEight’s dedicated IT support helpdesk can solve your IT problems remotely. We have experienced, reliable and multi lingual IT support technicians who are adept at solving your technical difficulties.

FunctionEight’s part time IT support contract is the ideal basic package for businesses that have more than five, but less than 50 users. Our engineers will routinely maintain your IT equipment and reduce the downtime of your system by responding quickly to any emergency.

Large organizations and multinationals with over 50 users are best serviced by working with FunctionEight on a full time basis, outsourcing all or part of your IT demands.

You focus on your core business and reduce your overheads while we ensure you have regular and emergency IT support for your business.

Contact us:
HK (852) 28682855
SG (65) 65342488

The post Can you afford to close your business unexpectedly for 3 days? appeared first on FunctionEight’s IT and Tech News.